A Merry West End Christmas, by +West End+

A Merry West End Christmas, by +West End+
“Like listening to caramel,” says one devoted customer.
Thirteen of your favourite Christmas instrumentals brought to you by West End — plus some all-star guests. This lovely project was conceived by Bobby Ogdin. Here we “really have an album that leaves nothing to be desired in terms of the compilation,” says one reviewer. And the CD package itself looks as if it has already been gift wrapped.
A perfect complement to your Christmas preparations and festivities.
“The silver disc offers 13 wonderfully arranged and well-rehearsed Christmas carols.” And another critic says “this coming season is more likely to ring out bells: Bobby sits at the piano, Joe Wright plays the steel guitar, Charlie McCoy plays the harmonica, and Billy Contreras the violin. Happy Advent.”
Merry Christmas from West End, the elves, and all of us at Spare Time Records. Oh yeah — the elves have left the building.
Available on CD.
CD UPC #: 00860003443774
Spare Time Records Catalog No.: STR719