Instructions for Ordering in Euros or Pounds Sterling
If you would like to order product from Spare Time Records, and would like to pay in Euros or in Pounds Sterling, we have a solution for you.
Your first option is to use a PayPal account. This option is offered on our checkout page.
Your second option is to have Spare Time invoice you in your preferred currency. Once we receive your payment, we will ship your product to you. If you would like to pursue this option, please follow these directions:
Put the products you would like to purchase in the shopping cart.
Click on the shopping cart and then on the Checkout button.
Complete the information on the Checkout page. Be sure to enter BOTH your shipping address in step 2 AND your billing address in step 3.
In the box that says Discount Code, enter one of the following codes: EURO or POUND (whichever currency you would like to use).
Click the Apply button and then click Continue.
Under step 4, click the Purchase button.
We will email you an invoice. It will come via Stripe, our credit card processor.
When we receive notice via Stripe that you have paid the invoice, we will ship your order.
Thank you for purchasing from Spare Time Records.